Your thermostat tells your air conditioner when to switch on and off, so its impact on your indoor comfort here in Stuart, FL, can be great. It does require your input, though, or else it may wind up running your AC at the wrong times. Below are three mistakes that many homeowners make with their thermostats and how it costs them.

Not Programming the Thermostat

If you own a programmable thermostat, it lets you create a weekly cooling schedule so that the AC can run without much intervention on your part. The number one mistake is not to take advantage of this feature.

If you have a routine of work and errands, take this into account. Otherwise, you’ll cause the AC to run when, for instance, no one is home.

Not Raising It at Night

Sometimes, it’s best not to shut off the AC entirely. Rather, you should raise the set point from 68 degrees to 72 degrees (or higher) during the night and when one is away at work. That way, the AC doesn’t overwork itself, which could lead to a breakdown and repairs.

Cranking It Down to Cool Faster

If you do shut off the AC completely and you return to a hot home, don’t crank the thermostat down expecting that this will quicken the cooling process. Many air conditioners run at a single speed, which is outside of the thermostat’s control, so cranking the device down will simply strain it.

Krauss & Crane Air Conditioning is your source for thermostat repairs and other tasks that fall under maintenance, so if you need someone to take a look at your thermostat or recommend an upgrade, call our office in Stuart today. We guarantee your 100% satisfaction with all that our NATE-certified technicians do.

Image provided by iStock

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